How Millennials redefine Employee Engagement in the Workplace

 “Are Millennials really that different?”

The answer is “yes” and “no”.

Yes, Millennials will continue to disrupt how the world communicates — how we read and write and connect. We’re waiting longer to get married and have children, and we’re less likely than other generations to identify with specific religions or political parties.

We are also view attachments to institutions and traditions differently - we change jobs more often than other generations. What could be a root cause for job hopping?

Should I stay or should I go? 

According to the Gallup research, majority of the Millennials in comparison to other generations are not engaged in the work place:

Millennial Engagement.PNG

Gallup also estimates that millennial turnover costs the U.S. economy a shocking $30.5 billion annually.

Employee Engagement is a vital area that leaders of organizations need to address.

From my perspective, the 3 key elements to enhance Employee Engagement is important to every generation.

  1. Understanding the company’s vision and strategy
  2. Feeling valued for their efforts and contribution
  3. Clear about how to contribute to the business success as an individual

This requires consistent, regular and transparent communication by leaders throughout the entire organization.

So, in that space Millennials are not that different from other generations.

We all want to feel that what they do matters, serves a purpose and contribute to the overall success and that they are recognized and valued for the work they are doing.

More so than ever in the history of corporate culture, employees are asking, “Does my organization value my strengths and my contribution? Does my company give me the chance to do what I do best every day?”

This requires a change in leadership:

Change in Leadership.PNG


What’s the difference between Job Satisfaction vs. Employee Engagement?

It’s possible that an employee can be satisfied with a job without being engaged in the job. Employee engagement is so much more than pay and the ability to leave office at 5 pm. Employee satisfaction is surely sufficient to retain employees, but not enough to ensure high quality productivity.

An engaged employee is an employee who is deeply involved and invested in their work – someone who is willing to go an extra mile without the boundaries of their job description.

It’s proven that organizations with genuinely engaged employees have higher retention, productivity, customer satisfaction, innovation, and quality. They also require fewer training time, experience less illness, and have fewer accidents.

It’s time to look into how to get your multi-generational workforce engaged.

Source: UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

Source: UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

Clarify goals and responsibilities

One of the key enablers to increase Employee Engagement is to be clear on the goals: There’s nothing more frustrating than the feeling of confusion. Employees need to understand their company goals and how their work contributes to the progress.

Make sure your leaders set specific goals for employees and put those goals in context to the wider business direction and objectives. Begin with your company values and mission, and cascade that direction down to individual KPIs or targets.

This should ideally be set between managers and their employees at the beginning of employment and then revisited on a monthly or quarterly basis to discuss whether they need to be adjusted and how they are progressing.

Regular engagements with staff will also foster a safe space for employees to speak up and provide insights for improvement opportunities that high level management may not have.

It’s well known that especially Millennials appreciate regular engagements and feedback from their line managers, so it’s a great opportunity to align goals and address improvement areas.

Source: The Catalyst, ‘The path from values to vision to goals’

Source: The Catalyst, ‘The path from values to vision to goals’

There are vast opportunities to improve Employee Engagement for your multi-generational workforce and I hope these few suggestions, will provide you and your company a great start into the right direction.